Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Dance

I believe that all beings experience and continually move through what I am calling "The dance". That moving back and forth, side to side, up and down and, yes, all around. Example: Someone is in the midst of a break-up from a long relationship. Now, being in the 'midst' of a break-up can mean any number of things: it happened today and you are crushed; you split up a month ago...You are getting over it; You desperately want him/her back and will do anything to...etcetera, etcetera. How does this relate? A break-up is a wonderful example of the dance we enter into when experiencing a major transformation. We DO want to end things AND get back together AND just have sex AND get married and have ten babies AND become a monk AND try again! That's all part of the process of both disentanglement and the physiological resetting of our deeply entrenched bio-rythyms. ( I am little outta my league with that kind of talk, but I think you see my point...) It's where the lava meets the ocean and there is no stopping it; only slowing it down. And, much like that lava flow, deep,lasting,  transformational change takes time. When you witness yourself flowing just let it go and hang on. When you see yourself 'waffling' about something (an ex, a job, a movie even) that is the process of unhinging the old and connecting to the new!!! The demons never go away. We simply grow less attached to them and, simultaneously, better able to listen to our authentic voice and act in accord with our deepest intrinsic need. 

Our sexiest dance partner is in our mind and we need to politely decline the next time it asks to tango. 

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